Dark age evolved into the golden age. But did the dark age in anyone’s mind ever cross over to the golden age? I’ve been living with that question for a long time. There were instances where life went pandemonium. Not the body,but the heart and mind. But as time went on,I found serenity in this pandemonium. I started living in it like it was meant to be my birthplace and worked in it like it was my workshop.

“The darkest place on earth laced by the sparkles of the moonlight

My mind stole that title,the moonlight being my fodder to write

As steps for heaven seem too vague and the pit to hell seems too smoggy

I have but this dark place to dwell my insignificant being in

Because hell won’t have my hide nor would heaven gift me wings

In the beginning, I stood alone with my mic in that moonlight

In the end,the mic stood alone in a room full of people.”

My workshop always brings forth the best in me. Help is all I seek from it and to share the help is all I want to do. Empathy and love.